Restorative Yoga With Therapeutic Singing Bowls

Allow yourself to surrender to the healing energies and find inner peace as you nourish your mind, body, and soul.

Restorative Yoga With Sound Healing

Join our small, intimate group for a weekly restorative yoga experience like no other. No yoga experience is needed; just come as you are and immerse yourself into deep relaxation and restoration in this 1 hour offering.

You will be guided through gentle postures supported by soft props and the soothing vibrations of Peter Hess therapeutic sound bowls. The harmonic resonance of the bowls will deepen your relaxation and help release tension, while reiki healing during savasana will further promote balance and harmony within. Allow yourself to surrender to the healing energies and find inner peace as you nourish your mind, body, and soul.

  • Small groups / 6 participants maximum
  • Eye pillow provided
  • Soft yoga cushion provided for ultimate comfort
  • 3 to 4 postures maximum
  • Blankets, blocks and bolsters provided

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