Chair yoga: Strength and Energy

Each session is tailored to the unique needs of participants.

Chair Yoga

Discover the power of chair yoga in our specially curated 1-hour session focused on building strength, stability, and energy. Designed for all levels of mobility, our chair yoga practice offers a nurturing and supportive environment where you can experience the many benefits of yoga. From improved mobility and flexibility to reduced stress and increased energy, you'll feel the positive effects in both body and mind.

Our small group setting ensures an intimate and personalized experience, with the session tailored to the unique needs of each participant. As the offering draws to a close, you'll be gently guided through a restorative reiki healing savasana, leaving you feeling revitalized, balanced, and at peace. Join us for an hour of rejuvenation and empowerment through chair yoga.

  • Small groups / 6 participants maximum
  • Optional hand weights available
  • Reiki healing savasana

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