Join us for a gentle Yin and Sound class.

Yin & Sound

Join us for a gentle Yin and Sound class. This monthly offering invites you to embrace the summer season with deep relaxation and inner harmony.

We will move slowly through a gentle Yin practice designed to open and release the body's connective tissues. We will hold postures for extended periods, allowing for deep stretching and the cultivation of stillness. This slow-paced practice will help you to surrender and unwind, enhancing your body's natural energy flow.

During the Yin postures, the soothing sounds of Tibetan singing bowls, chimes, and gentle sound healing instruments will create a peaceful ambiance.

The session will end with a 20-minute Savasana. During this final resting posture, the healing vibrations will deepen your relaxation and guide you into a meditative state, helping to integrate the benefits of your practice and leave you feeling rejuvenated and balanced.

This class is perfect for all levels, offering a peaceful sanctuary to connect with your body, mind, and spirit.

  • Small groups / 6 participants maximum
  • Eye pillow provided
  • Soft yoga cushion provided for ultimate comfort
  • 3 to 4 postures maximum
  • Blankets, blocks and bolsters provided

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